πŸ“ŠStack Talent Roles & Plans

Stack Talent offers a variety of roles and plans tailored to meet the needs of both job seekers and companies in the web3 sector. Each role and plan provides a unique set of features and benefits, allowing users to make the most of their experience on our platform.

For Job Seekers
  1. Unverified Stacker:

    • Default role for all users.

  2. Stacker (Minimum 80% profile completion):

    • Enhanced visibility to employers.

  3. Certified Stacker (Profile completion + call with a recruiter):

    • Ability to contact your assigned sales representative.

    • Access to direct communication with companies.

  4. Diamond Stacker (Achieved on merit):

    • Top candidate status.

    • Exclusive job offers.

    • Enhanced visibility to companies.

For Companies

Regular plan:

  • 2 free job post.

  • Follow your ongoing processes.

  • Get in touch with β€œCertified Stacker” and β€œDiamond Stacker” talents.

  • Meet blockchain recruiters.

  • Access to our Discord Job Bot and Telegram channels.

Premium plan (Free to use, success fees only):

  • Unlimited job posts: Post as many job listings as you need to find the perfect candidates.

  • Dedicated account manager: Receive personalized support and assistance from a dedicated account manager to optimize your recruitment strategy.

  • Full access to our talent hub: Access top profiles in our talent hub to connect with exceptional candidates in the web3 sector.

  • 12-Week replacement clause: Gain peace of mind with a 12-week replacement clause for placed talents.

  • Push jobs on all our communication channels: Reach over 300,000 Web3 users by pushing your jobs through our Discord Job Bot, Telegram channels and Web3 Job Boards partners, expanding your reach and finding top talent faster.

  • Free to use: Enjoy all these premium features without any upfront cost.

Whether you're a job seeker aiming to enhance your visibility and access exclusive opportunities or a company looking for the perfect candidates with a range of powerful recruitment tools, Stack Talent has the right role and plan for you. Explore our platform and elevate your web3 journey today!

Last updated